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Sunday Morning Worship @ 10:45

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Sanctuary Floral Donations

Help make our Sanctuary beautiful on Sunday mornings with a floral donation. Flowers can be in honor of a person, or event, or in memory of a loved one. Contact the church office by email ( or phone (770-963-7051) to reserve a date. You can also click here to access the sign up sheet.

Bread ministry

We need a few volunteers to help drive the church van and pick up the donations at various Publix grocery stores. If you think you could help, please contact the church office. Some of these donated goods are available for you on Sundays. Please “shop” and enjoy some of these items on the Gym stage.
Video Production

Audiovisual Volunteers

We have expanded our use of technology including video streaming. If you can help support this ministry work, please contact Wayne Parker or the church office for more information.