Posts by ChestnutGroveChurch

Posts by ChestnutGroveChurch


Sanctuary Floral Donations

Help make our Sanctuary beautiful on Sunday mornings with a floral donation. Flowers can be in honor of a person, or event, or in memory of a loved one. Contact the church office by email ( or phone (770-963-7051) to reserve a date. You can also click here to access the sign up sheet.

Bread ministry

We need a few volunteers to help drive the church van and pick up the donations at various Publix grocery stores. If you think you could help, please contact the church office. Some of these donated goods are available for you on Sundays. Please “shop” and enjoy some of these items on the Gym stage.
Video Production

Audiovisual Volunteers

We have expanded our use of technology including video streaming. If you can help support this ministry work, please contact Wayne Parker or the church office for more information.

Operation Christmas Child

YEAR ROUND PACKING MONTHLY DONATIONS Our Missions Team is doing the monthly donations again this year for Operation Christmas Child. Each month we will highlight a different category and you can bring these items in and put them in the Christmas wrapped box next to the Missions table. Then in November, we will host a shoe box packing party and pack as many boxes as we can from all the donations! See below for this month’s category.

Help feed the hungry in our neighborhood

Our next food collection emphasis day is January 12th. Our assigned item for this month is JELLY. Canned goods and non-perishables are taken to the Southeast Gwinnett Cooperative Ministry to distribute to those in need. You can make a donation at any time in the collection bins – one is located near the wheelchair lift and one is in the Family Life Center (Gym).